Inducted 1980
Player: Ralph Maddox was born October 23, 1922, and won his
first Virginia State Championship in 1934, while still age 12. Ralph is the youngest player to ever win
a state championship. He went on to
win 36 State Championships and was a member of the WVHPA for 69 years. Ralph qualified for the Men’s
World Tournament Championship Class 21 times, winning 411 games and a career
average of 77.57 % ringers. His
high finish was in 1961 when he placed 3rd with a 30-5 record and an
80.9% ringers average. Ralph was
one of the 13 famed 80% pitchers in the 1964 World Tournament, he placed 9th
on 25-10 record, while pitching 83.5% ringers. Ralph passed away November 13, 2007.