Lee Elbe, Missouri
Awarded 1984
Thank You From Lee Elbe For Stokes Award
"Dear Council Members, Committee, Delegates and Pitchers,
I would like to thank all of you who were responsible for the Stokes Award. This acme as a complete surprise and I will treasure this award for the rest of my life. I will be happy to return this award to the Hall of Fame that is to be constructed in Springfield in 1985.
Here are the results of the delegates vote in Huntsville, AL:
- The World Tournament will be held in Springfield for five consecutive years. 1985-1986-1987-1988-1989.
- The Hall of Fame will be constructed in our new sports arena.
- The National Headquarters will also be included in the sport center.
Our local Coca Cola Bottling plant will sponsor the Junior scholarship for boy and girl (A Class) $2,000.00 each year for five years.
Your major sponsor will be announced in your next month's Digest. It will be $33,000.00 each year for years.
In the next issue of the Digest, I will bring you up to date on some of the prizes, bus tours and etc. Will be back next month and thanks again."
Lee Elbe