Ottie Reno, Ohio
Awarded 1964
Ottie Reno Awarded Stokes Memorial Award
"Mrs. Mary Stokes, the "grand Old Lady of Horseshoe" from Salt Lake City, Utah, presented the Arch Stokes Memorial Trophy for 1964 to Ottie W. Reno of Lucasville, Ohio.
The award is given by the Stokes family annually to the person who has contributed the most to the game during the past year and is in memory of the late Arch Stokes of Utah who served as NHPA President for many years.
Mrs. Stokes, who is 81, was accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Maurine Cook, Secretary of the Utah State Charter and her grandson Arvin Cook of Washington, D.C.
Ottie Reno is perhaps best known for being the author of the book entitled "The Story of Horseshoes" a 160 page hardback book which has been placed on the shelves of many libraries.
Ottie is also the organizer and guiding spirit of the outstanding Pike County, Ohio Association, which has a large Ladies league, Junior group and a large indoor program in addition to the traditional men's play and outdoor courts.
Ottie also serves as the NHPA legal advisor and has assisted the officers in many details including an extremely important promotion concerning which a special announcement will be made shortly.
This past spring Ottie organized the new Alabama State NHPA Chapter and conducted the first state tournament there.