These News Digests are being
presented in PDF format so that they may be shown in their original
format and to give those that wish, a chance to print a bit more of our
history. This is an ongoing project that may take some time to
complete, as there are 31+ years of information to scan and prepare for
the web. A complete set in bound hard copy was provided to me by Glenn
Stout; they were part of his father's many horseshoe treasures. He had
received them from his friend Ralph Dykes. I wish to express my great
gratitude to the Stout family and to Ralph Dykes. This full set will be
presented to the Hall of Fame in the future. Because of not wishing to
destroy the beautifully bound set, the volumes scanned were the
property of the Northern California association, and the NHPA Hall of
Fame inventory and we thank them for the use of their documents.

A beautiful set of books