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State Championship Tournament format recommendations for eshoe reporting.
From: Mel Yockstick, NHPA State Championship Website Director
303-421-6433 my email: nhpamel@comcast.net
To:  State Tournament Director 
Thanks for volunteering to run your State Championship Tournament. 
Please use HSMaster program to run your State Tournament.
In the HSMaster (name box) enter your State name-Sample (Colorado State Singles-2025)
When creating your State Championship Classes in (HSMaster),
please use the following designations for the championship classes:
CM (Men’s)
CW (Women’s)
CE (Elder’s)
CJB (Jr. Boy’s)
CJG (Jr. Girl’s)
CCB (Cadet Boy’s)
CCG (Cadet Girl’s)
These new class designations will then separate championship classes from your open classes for eshoe reporting.
After all State Tournaments have been reported (Normally the end of October) I will report
your State championship results to the NHPA website - About the NHPA- 2025 State Championship
It has always been my belief that State Champions should be recognized
for their accomplishments on the NHPA website.
Have a great State Singles tournament
Mel Yockstick
The Statman